The Amethyst: Benefits of Purple Crystal

The Amethyst: Benefits of Purple Crystal

Few stones in the world of gemstones arouse curiosity and capture the mind like the…

2024 Numerology Predictions

2024 Numerology Predictions

Introduction Everyone has the opportunity to start over in 2024. People will experience both good…



Introduction Everybody hopes that this year will be better than the next. The movement of…

Sade Sati

Sade Sati

Introduction Sade Sati is the term used to describe the seven and a half-year period…

Benefits of Panna Gemstone

Benefits of Panna Gemstone

Introduction The most expensive gemstone is the emerald (Panna) stone, whose exquisite appearance significantly raises…

Salt to Attract Positive Energy & Ward Off Negativity

Salt to Attract Positive Energy & Ward Off Negativity

Introduction Do you know that salt, a common mineral found in our kitchen, has the…